~Commanche Vs Werewolf (AR) Action Replay Codes, Contributed by Christophe LEMONNIER (PC COLLECTOR and PC SOLUCES Magazine) Printed in Cheet Sheets Magazine (cheets@sv.span.com) with kind permission. ~COMANCHE VS WEREWOLF ~-------------------- Enter the codes at the very beginning of the loading of the game. If not, there's a problem to control the chopper. For COMANCHE `Cannon : *+COMANCHE16A114F4 `Rockets : *+COMANCHE16A11838 `Hellfire : *+COMANCHE16A11C09 `Stinger : *+COMANCHE16A12009 `Artillery : *+COMANCHE16A12409 `Chaff : *+COMANCHE16A17E1A `Flare : *+COMANCHE16A1801A `Only one target to go : *+COMANCHE18542A01 For WEREWOLF `2A42 APDS : *+WEREWOLF16A8D02C `Vikhr : *+WEREWOLF16A8D808 `Archer : *+WEREWOLF16A8DC10 `80mm : *+WEREWOLF16A8D43E `Artillery : *+WEREWOLF16A8E009 `2A42 HEI : *+WEREWOLF16A8E82C `Chaff : *+WEREWOLF16A93E1A `Flare : *+WEREWOLF16A9401A `Only one target to go : *+WEREWOLF185BFB01